The following is a letter (e-mail) exchange between Richard Lee of Yes On 19 and myself today---feel free to widely forward.
Andre S. Lange MD
From: Richard Lee
To: Andre Lange
Sent: Wed, November 3, 2010 4:45:12 PM
Subject: The fight continues
While we didn't bring in enough votes last night to pass Prop 19, we are proud of the tremendous wave of support we received. There are millions of people in California and across the country who are prepared to help finish the job they started here last night when we come back to the polls stronger than ever in 2012.
The fact that 3,412,387 Californians voted to legalize marijuana is a tremendous victory. We have broken the glass ceiling. Prop 19 has changed the terms of the debate.
The fight continues. In the coming months, we'll email you periodic updates on marijuana policy, introduce some of our most vital partner organizations, and provide opportunities for online and offline advocacy so you can stay active and engaged in this movement. So please stay tuned.
Thank you so much for being part of something so special. We didn't get the result we wanted last night, but it's clearer than ever to me that it's no longer a matter of if we'll end cannabis prohibition -- it's simply a matter of when.
Richard Lee
Proponent, Yes on 19
Yes on 19. Tax Cannabis 2010. Sponsored by S.K. Seymour LLC, a Medical Cannabis Provider, dba Oaksterdam University, a Cannabis Educator. FPPC 1318272
And below, my reply:
Attn: Richard Lee,
Yes On 19/Oaksterdam University
It is extremely hard to believe/accept these election results!
First I speak of the Prop 19 Initiative----the entrenched establishment that "had stakes" in keeping pot illegal: the liquor and tobacco industries; Big Pharma; many of the cops (not all!); many of the judges and D.A.'s (NOT ALL THANK GOD!); but, the bigger fish--those who control vast fields of illegal (super-expensive) pot and the criminal cartels who want to keep their tax-free big incomes flowing in; lastly, sadly and pitifully--many in the medical marijuana movement--especially the owners/staffs of cannabis "cooperatives!" (I interviewed several re: same)
Frankly, given all the support I witnessed and helped foment before the election, the results smell of corruption. I doubt it was direct ballot tampering or electronic voting machine manipulation, a la Bush, though that needs to be ruled out. No, I think it needs to be seriously investigated if many votes were LITERALLY BOUGHT--people being paid to vote against it (Prop 19.)
By whom(?), the question begs itself---We must first investigate the bigwigs in the alcohol and tobacco industries and those, known by some of us in the movement, as large illegal growers. Just a thought for our new "oakland" governor, Jerry B, who used to be Attorney General of California--
I urge many to write to him/call with:
"Jerry, there are reports of improprieties in the election regarding votes being bought/sold in counties that voted heavily AGAINST PROP 19, please see that the new AG starts a vigorous investigation!" Really!
Searching For Truth And Justice,
Andre S. Lange, MD
Medical Marijuana Advocate Group
Your thoughts are what frighten you. Choose to change them, and the fear is gone.
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