Sunday, December 5, 2010

After Two Years In Chinese Concentration Camp, Bu Dongwei Released

Amnesty International USA: TAKE ACTION NOW!
Bu Dongwei was released from his term of "re-education through labor" in China on July 18, 2008. He believes that the letters sent by Amnesty International supporters made a difference in his life.
Sign up to Write for Rights and send a letter to someone who needs your help.

Dear Andre,

In the evening of May 19, 2006, six to seven police suddenly broke into my home. They searched everywhere. But all they found were several books - words on paper.

These books were used as "evidence" against my activities as a practitioner of the Falun Gong spiritual movement, which is banned in China.

Possession of these books led to my torture and persecution inside a Chinese labor camp for two and a half years.

The Chinese government tried to use these words on paper to imprison me, but it was your words on paper that helped set me free.

Your letters will stay in my heart forever.

Send a letter of hope and make a difference in someone else's
My story is proof - letters make a difference.
life, as many of you did in mine.

My personal case is a witness - your letters make a difference.
I felt the attitude of the guards change toward me for the better when your letters came in. Although I did not see the letters when I was in the labor camp, I knew that I was not alone. The guards knew that Amnesty International and its supporters stood behind me.

From my experience, I know that the attention and pressure from the international community can help improve the conditions of jailed people.

Write for Rights is an important action. Only through the joined efforts of upright and kind people, like you, can we stop the injustice in the world.

Please say that you'll Write for Rights now. Your words can open prison doors. They can stop torture and prevent executions. Your words can make a difference.

Thank You,

Bu Dongwei
Former prisoner of conscience
Write for Rights case, December 2007

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