Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Things Republicans Do

The Things Republicans Do!

Like robots, they mouth the same old lies, jargon and scams they have always pushed.....tax breaks for the richest segment, massive increases in "defense" spending (arms sales), starting unprovoked wars on sovereign nations......yes, Republicans!

They also want to kill ("death penalty for") doctors who perform abortion and call themselves "pro-life!" So, anyone
who has read Orwell can see that they engage strictly in Newspeak--that is, all is backward and rigged. They move and vote and watch tvand shit like the lemmings they are.

With pardon please (to the lemmings) for the comparison, in office the Republicans do the opposite often of what they said they were going to do (like some Democrats!). And their mouthpiece/bullypulpit, "Fox News" is a wretched lie and propaganda fear machine. Lemmings became notorious in popular culture because of a myth that they commit mass suicide when they migrate. Driven by strong biological urges, some species of lemmings may migrate in large groups when population density becomes too great. Lemmings can swim and may choose to cross a body of water in search of a new habitat. In such cases, many may drown if the body of water is so wide as to stretch their physical capability to the limit. This fact combined with the unexplained fluctuations in the population of Norwegian lemmings gave rise to the development of the myth. [8]
The myth of lemming "mass suicide" is long-standing and has been popularized by a number of factors. In 1955, Disney Studioillustrator Carl Barks drew an Uncle Scroogeadventure comic with the title "The Lemming with the Locket". This comic, which was inspired by a 1954American Mercury article, showed massive numbers of lemmings jumping over Norwegian cliffs.[9][10]Even more influential was the 1958 Disney film White Wilderness, which won an Academy Award for Documentary Feature, in which staged footage was shown with lemmings jumping into sure death after faked scenes of mass migration.[11] A Canadian Broadcasting Corporationdocumentary, Cruel Camera, found that the lemmings used for White Wilderness were flown from Hudson Bay to CalgaryAlberta, Canada, where they did not jump off the cliff, but in fact were launched off the cliff using a turntable.[12]

Real nice there Walt....
Andre S Lange MD

Monday, September 6, 2010

Dead weight!

Obama royally fucked up.

What bad brown acid did the President get? [Prolly that CIA crap with the "'dol" "supervision!"]

Apparently---dear God!

Someone get the president good acid, so we can begin.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

(i am waiting)......................................dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
ok now?

The president is ok now? Ok

Thus, I begin----WHAT in the hell were YOU thinking when you endorsed that
left-over fascist hoodlum cuntMICHELE M. LEONHART as chief of the dea?

Left let me digress......seems like you and i had a conversation oh, about 6 months (?exact time?) ago.

We said we were going to ABOLISH the entire department/agency, number one priority.

And now you are wanting to keep KOMMADANT shit-head as chief?

Something rings of cognitive dissonance here........or you are amotherfucking liar like her
former bossman.

Don't go Uncle Tommin' me on this one sir.

I demand an explanation of your logic.

I await reply most impatiently.

Andre S. Lange, MD
Sacramento CA usa.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Dog Days For Diane

It has simply been painfully farcical to observe Sen. Feinstein's votes (she, the self-proclaimed

"LIBERAL," Ha! Citizens, I beseechyou, look at her voting record on vital and progressive

bills---look at what bills she wrote or co-sponsored. I, for one am sick and tired of hearing HER

at ALL, or seeing that wicked gnarly facies....and/or her touting her record in San Fran and

how "liberal" she WAS! "Was" is the keyword here!

When did the blowhards of the "Grand OLD Party" buy Diane off? My best hypothesis is that

she was a "mole" from the beginning, even at San Fran, and her true mission was to screw over

the common man/woman, (this is the mission of the entire GOP) and God did she! The

repugnicunts have had Diane in their slimy pocket for a long, long time.

It is time we get this harpy out of office!

I suggested Barbara Lee of Oakland to the Democratic Party--she would do a good job and

cares for the poor and middle class. She is strongly anti-war and would pressure Obama to end

the 2 wars we (America) started. She would be ideal, because she is a proud liberal who

ACTUALLY VOTES THAT WAY! (Like Bobby and Ted Kennedy did.)

Come on people now, elect Barbara Lee as Senator of California!

Or if she won't do it---( I HAVE suggested this to her staff before!)----then some other very liberal person, like Matt Gonzales--anyone fairer and much more liberal than D.Feinstein!

In Sacramento, the Bay Area, and LA, we are blessed with plethoras of LIBERAL folk.

Save California, Save the USA, Save the world---replace Diane with a true liberal who reflects OUR values/opinions.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Get Us The Fuck Out Of Iraqistan!

President Obama ran on a platform of extracting the USA from the protracted wars that

Cheney/Bush/Rice/Powell foisted upon the American people (not to mention HOW THEY



Now we see him replace a general that spoke up in public.....like the military does not have

freedom of speech either? I don't know all the particulars but I am sure there is logic behind

this move, and I can only beseech him (the President) to DO WHAT HE FUCKING SAID HE


--------------FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, BARACK,



Friday, May 28, 2010

Hello Barack

I called the President today. We had a nice 20 minute conversation. Glad he was able to take
my call. Respect. I had a litany of complaints for him.

And a few kudos.

I did it publicly on a cellphone in a public park. Some people may have overheard some

of it, because at times I had to shout at him. But we are cool.

I still believe in him. But, I pulled no punches about the things I feel

he has majorly goofed on (using the "g" word to substitute for what I really said...)

and wtf was he Thinking?

We both had a good laugh when I mentioned that theRepugnicans, after the pigs shamelessly

(because they are not BURDENED with a conscience..) heinously clusterfucked and

gang-raped lady liberty for most of my adult life, with the near-completed attempted

fascist coup of "NINE ELEVEN," starting two unprovoked wars just in the last few years,

etc., etc., etc ad nauseum, now are pointing a crooked finger at him and crying "Socialist!"

ha haha hahahah hhahahaha ahahahahaha ahahahahahahahahaahahaha! WFLOAO!

I said, "Sir, if ONLY you were a socialist, or better yet, a dyed-in-the-wool Communist!

Not only would the USA finally become a free country---- at long last....but I would be tempted

to come to Washington and kiss you on the mouth!"

All, in all, it was a pleasant conversation. I strongly suggested a national holiday for

Malcolm X. Lots of conversation about the direction of the Space Program.

Next call, I will have my notes ready, so as to be less rambling, b/c I know

he is very busy. And he knows I am too.

Got hope?

gimme some!


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Reported Dead

     On May Day 2011, President Barrack Obama made a live announcement and reported that Osama Bin Laden had been killed by US Navy operatives in Pakistan.  The timing of this is well, non-coincidental, but nothing is.

     I hope that this means ENDING THE AFGHANISTAN WAR as the President promised, which he, the lone Senator against both wars, said he would do, if elected.  We elected you, brother, now let's keep those promises!  And don't start any new wars either!  Or muck with Libya!

    Put the money in building infrastructure back up in this country.  Put the money into the ISS and the Space program----it is more crucial than anything now.
Make it so.
